June 26 2012 marks the Independence Day of Madagascar who received its independence on June 26, 1960. The Republic of Madagascar celebrates their national holiday and independence from the French occupation that ended in 1960. The citizens of Madagascar, which number some 20 million, enjoy a public holiday that offers them the opportunity to enjoy a day off of work.
The Republic of Madagascar is located some 250 miles off the south-eastern shoreline of Africa and is the fourth largest island in the world. This island nation endured French colonization due to its valuable location in Africa. The British and French government wanted to gain power of the country. The Battle of Madagascar in 1942 days the British forces complete control of this African nation. This control saved the country from being captured by the Japanese army. Eventually, Madagascar was occupied by the Free French. French settlers lost their control over this African colony on June 26, 1960 as the Republic of Madagascar came into existence.
Madagascar enjoyed a democratic election that took place on August 19, 1992. Madagascar Independence Day is extremely important to the citizens of the country. There are endless festivals that showcase traditional dances, delectable cuisine and endless drinking opportunities that take place during this unforgettable holiday.
The citizens regularly demonstrate Hira Gasy. Hira Gasy is a melodious that musical production of the heritage of the country through Malagasy myths and stories. The performers come by cultural songs and dances in order to portray the historical and ethnically rich stories of the country. In addition, this performance also includes a narrator that walks the audience through the performance with various passages of poetry and popular quotes.
This holiday is considered to be the biggest event of the year. Residents also enjoy laser shows and firecracker displays that take place at Lake Anosy. All of the businesses, schools and universities are closed during the festivities that continue for two days.